Package Zen sends notifications based on how an item is addressed. The following logic determines who receives notifications.
People take priority over Groups:
If a shipping label contains a Person's name and a Group's name, then Package Zen will notify the Person rather than the Group's Group Contact.
Group Contacts are only notified if:
There isn’t a Person’s name on the shipping label
Image quality issues (too blurry, zoomed out, glare, etc) prevent the Person’s name from being detected on the shipping label
If a Group Contact would like to receive notifications whenever someone in their Group receives an item:
You can update every Group Member's contact information to include the Group Contact's email address.
Make sure everyone in the Group has their Preferred Contact Method set to email. This is the only way multiple notifications about items for Groups will be sent successfully.
Do not delete Group Members' personal contact information. Then Group Members will still receive their own notifications and the Group Contact will be kept in the loop.
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