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How To: Set Up Former People Notifications

Get notified automatically when you receive new deliveries for people who have moved on

Emma Ramsay avatar
Written by Emma Ramsay
Updated over a week ago

People move on, but that doesn't mean their deliveries will stop coming--sometimes for several years.

Package Zen can automatically notify Staff Members at your property when an item for someone who is no longer at your property is received, so your team can handle those items appropriately.

Here's how to set up these notifications:

Step 1

Go to the Settings Page❐ in your Package Zen Web Dashboard and select the Former People tab to add the email addresses of Staff Members who should be notified when an item arrives for a Former Person at your property.

Step 2

Update the Former Person Template found on your Notification Templates Page❐ with your location's steps for handling these kinds of deliveries.


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