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Guide: Property Contacts

Update who gets emails about billing, day-to-day operations, and reporting

Emma Ramsay avatar
Written by Emma Ramsay
Updated over a week ago

Property Contacts are contacts that you choose to handle issues regarding your Package Zen account.

The Property Contacts for your Package Zen account are found on the Settings Page❐ in your web dashboard.

Types of Property Contacts in Package Zen

Operations: Receives emails about the day-to-day operations of your Package Zen account

For example, if there:

  • is an issue contacting a recipient that Package Zen needs help with

  • are images that are blurry and did not create a record correctly

  • is a long delay syncing images to Package Zen from your device

Former People: Receives emails whenever items are logged for people who are no longer at your property

Administrative: Receives enterprise-level reporting and updates

Billing: Receives billing notices for your Package Zen account

IT Support: Receives emails about technical issues with your Package Zen account

How do I change Property Contacts for my Package Zen account?

Add the new email, tick the boxes next to the kinds of alerts you'd like sent to that email, and click Add Contact:


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